Corona Virus explanation according to Lal Kitab
Corona Virus explanation according to Lal Kitab
Any hidden disease is caused by – RAHU.*
CORONA VIRUS is also a hidden disease.**
This Virus effect mostly to those human who have weak immunity in older age- Understand its direct link with RAHU….**
Person with the age of 69+ are the most effective due to this Virus and from 69th year of life – age of BUDH starts and BUDH is a combination of 2 planets i,e, RAHU (Virus) and JUPITER.**
Person with the age of 69+ and have weak immunity – IMMUNITY is weak means the body (SUN) is weak and RAHU is enemy of SUN.**
Person with the age of 69+ and does not have a habit of cleanness – DUST (RAHU) again plays a role here**
Person with the age of 69+ and have respiratory problem (Breathing problem) are in high risk of infected with this Virus – Understand again the link – age of 69+ comes under BUDH and BUDH is the combination of RAHU (Virus) and JUPITER (clean Air / is responsible for breath in life)**
Person should not touch his/her EYES with hands… – Understand SHANI is lord of EYESIGHT and RAHU is Virus – combination of RAHU and SHANI is very dangerous **
Person should not touch his/her NOSE with hands – Understand BUDH is lord of NOSE and RAHU is Virus.*
So, keeping BUDH and RAHU positive can also save Human life from this Virus

Article by Akshit Kapoor
Published 05 May 2022