Marriage according to Bhrigu Nandi Nadi
MARRIAGE, NO MARRIAGE, WIDOW, and DIVORCE yog according to Bhrigu Nandi Nadi
Marriage for Male Native:
Venus is thecausative planet for marriage for male Native
1. If Venus is placed in 1-2-3-5-7-9-11-12 from Jupiter, the marriage is promised.
2. If 7th lord is placed in 1-2-3-5-7-9-11-12 from theAscendant lord, then marriage is promised.
3. If 7th lord counted from Jupiter is placed in 1-2-3-5-9-11-12 from the lord of the house in which Jupiter is posited, then marriage is promised.
4. If Jupiter aspects Venus, early marriage is promised. If Saturn aspects Venus, marriage is delayed.
No marriage, Separation or Divorce for Male Native:
1. Venus is placed in 4-6-8-10 from Jupiter
2. Ketu is placed in 1-5-9 or 2 from Venus
3. 7th lord is placed in 4-6-8 10 from ascendant lord
4. Ketu is placed in 1-5-9 or 2 from 7th lord
5. 7th lord counted from Jupiter is placed in 4-6-8-10 from the lord of the house in which Jupiter is posited.
6. Ketu is placed in 1-5-9-or 2 from 7th lord counted from Jupiter.
7. Jupiter, Ketu and Venus are placed in successive signs in the following sequence
Jupiter+Ketu+ Venus
Venus + Ketu + Jupiter
8. Ascendant lord , Ketu and 7th lord are placed in successive signs in the following sequence.
Ascendant lord + Ketu + 7th lord
7th lord + Ketu + Ascendant lord
9. Lord of the house in which Jupiter posited, Ketu and 7th lord counted from Jupiter are placed in successive signs in the following sequence
Lord of the house in which Jupiter posited +Ketu +7th lord counted from Jupiter.
7th lord counted from Jupiter + Ketu+ lord of the house in which Jupiter posited.
10. If Venus is hemmed in between Rahu and Ketu(Direction Wise),marriage is not promised. But this Dosha will be warded off if Jupiter aspects Venus.
If all the above combinations are present in Male Horoscope , then it leads to break in marriage or divorce.
Ex: 1. Nagarjuna Telugu Film Hero (29.08.1959) separated and divorced from his first wife due to the position of venus in 10th house from Jupiter. Second wife causative planet mercury is in 9th house from Jupiter. So he is happy with his second wife.
2. Pawan Kalyan another Telugu Hero( 02.09.1971) separated and divorced from his first and second wife due to the position of Venus(first wife) and mercury(second wife) in 10th house from Jupiter. Moon (third wife) is posited in 3rd house from Jupiter.
3. Our prime Minister Narendra Modi (17.091950) has Venus in 7th house so he got married. but he was separated from her due to the position of Ketu in 2nd house from Venus. in between Jupiter and Venus there are malefic planets Rahu and Saturn. So the native (Jupiter) can not cross the malefic planets and meet his wife(venus).
4. Salman khan Baliwood Hero(27.12.1965) has Venus in 8th house from Jupiter in his horoscope. So marriage is not promised.
5. Rahul Gandhi Congress Party President(19.06.1970) has Venus in 10th house from Jupiter and ketu is in 2nd house from Venus. So marriage is not promised.
6. A.P.J Abdul Kalam (15.10.1931) has venus in 4th from Jupiter in his horoscope.So he was unmarried.
Accidents or early Death to life partner for Male Native:
1. If Venus is posited in 1st, 2nd , 3rd, 5th, 7th, 9th, 11th, 12th from Rahu, ill health or early death to his wife is promised.
2. If Venus is hemmed in between Rahu and Mars or Rahu and Saturn or Mars and Saturn(Direction Wise),the combination denotes accidents or accidental death or major health problems like heart at ache or cancer or unnatural death to wife.
Female Horoscope:
Marriage for Female Native:
Mars is causative planet for female Native
1. If Mars is placed in 1-2-3-5-7-9-11-12 from Venus, then marriage is promised
2. If 7th lord is placed in 1-2-3-5-7-9-11-12 from Ascendant lord, then marriage is promised.
3. If 7th lord counted from Jupiter is placed in 1-2-3-5-7- 9-11-12 from the
lord of the house in Which Jupiter is posited, then marriage is promised.
5. If Jupiter aspects mars, early marriage is promised. If Saturn aspects Mars, delay of marriage is promised.
Unmarried, Separation, Divorce for female native :
1. Mars is placed in 4-6-8-10 from Venus
2. Ketu is placed in 1-5-9 or 2 from Mars
3. 7th lord is placed in 4-6-8-10 from Ascendant lord
4. Ketu is placed in 1-5-9 or 2 from 7th lord
5. 7th lord counted from Jupiter is placed in 4-6-8-10 from the lord of the house in which Jupiter is posited
6. Ketu is placed in 1-5-9 or 2 from 7th lord counted from Jupiter
7. Mars , Ketu and Venus are placed in successive signs in the following sequence
Mars+ Ketu+ Venus
Venus+ Ketu +Mars
8. Ascendant lord, Ketu, and 7th lord are placed in successive signs in the following sequence
Ascendant lord + Ketu and 7th lord are placed in successive signs in the following sequence
Ascendant lord +Ketu+ 7th lord
7th lord+ Ketu + Ascendant lord
9. Lord of the house in which Jupiter, Ketu and 7th lord counted from Jupiter are placed in successive signs in the following sequence
Lord of the house in which Jupiter posited + Ketu + 7th lord counted from Jupiter
7th lord counted from Jupiter + Ketu + lord of the house in which Jupiter posited
10. If Mars is hemmed in between Rahu and Ketu( Direction Wise),marriage is not promised. But this Dosha will be warded off if Jupiter aspects Mars.
If all the above combinations are present in Female Horoscope, then it leads to break in Marriage or Divorce.
Ex: 1. J Jaya Lalitha former C M of Tamil Nadu(born on 24.02.1948 ) has mars in 6th house from Venus in her horoscope. Moreover there are malefic planets – rahu and Saturn in between Venu and Mars. So she was unmarried.
1. Mamatha Benarji C M of west Bangal (born on 05.01.1955 ) has Mars in 4th house from Venus in her horoscope and mars is also conjoined in trinal direction(1,5,9). So No Marital happiness is promised.
Accidents or Early Death to Life Partner for Female Native(widowhood):
1. If Mars is posited in 1st, 2nd , 3rd, 5th, 7th, 9th, 11th, 12th from Rahu in a female horoscope, ill health or early death to her husband is promised.
2. If Mars is hemmed in between Rahu and Saturn (Direction Wise)in a female horoscope, the combination denotes accidents or accidental death or major health problems like heart at ache or cancer or unnatural death to her husband.
1. Indira Gandhi (19.11.1917) has mars in the 9th house from Rahu in her Horoscope. In spite of mars exchange with Sun, Mars is again posited in 12th house to Rahu, so India Gandhi became widow.
2. In Sonia Gandhi’s horoscope (09.12.1946) Mars is hemmed in between Rahu and Saturn (Direction wise). So Sonia became widow.

Article by Akshit Kapoor
Published 05 May 2022